Snow Dogs (2 min. 2006) Shot, directed, and edited by Lester Alfonso about a dog sledding competition in Bancroft, Ontario.


Day 11 of 360 videos from my archive. Today’s video is brought to you by the word “interstitial.” This is a word used in the television industry to refer to those short films or wraparound segments that get played between shows to fill in the gaps in programming. If a movie ends too early, they’re played to round out the hour.

To be completely honest, I still think this is my favourite genre to create. I grew up loving the short segments on Sesame Street — I have often cited that TV show as my primary influence as a filmmaker. My attention span is best served in short bursts.

When video cameras became widely available, I started shooting, interviewing, and editing these interstitials simply because I wanted to. I wasn’t hired or commissioned. I would just post them on the internet (before the wide access everyone has to it now) and move on.

I think I want to come back to the interstitial again now that internet video is finally in place. So, stay tuned. This piece on dog sledding came about back in 2006 when I randomly drove by and saw all the commotion in Bancroft, Ontario one day and I decided to stop.

For music, I went to my friend techno-shaman Wayne Elliott ( — LA