Memories of my Father (5 min. 2016) Story by Anne Fischer. Produced and edited by Lester Alfonso, developed through the Creative Nonfiction Filmmaking Workshop.

Archive Showcase

Day 31 of 360 videos from my archive. The memories that kept coming for Anne Fischer during the Creative Nonfiction Filmmaking Workshop were memories of her father.

After a public screening in March 2017, I was approached by a young couple who was touched by the way Anne’s father disciplined her and her siblings as kids that they decided they would do the same when they had kids of their own.

I believe that we have to tell different stories now so we can try to balance out what’s predominant in the pop culture. We have to tell our own specific stories; it makes a difference to yourself and to others. Before coming to the workshop, Anne didn’t know that her story could be put in a “video” and how that could then go on to change someone’s life trajectory.

Anne Fischer shares with the group. Photo by Andy Carroll

The stories we tell fuel our collective dream. Look at the headlines, our dream has turned into a nightmare. Most of the stories that get big advertising budgets now are the post-apocalyptic horror dystopias that reiterate the same view of the world over and over again. Look at what’s trending on Netflix today; what kind of world do we really want to mold?

In this age, we need new stories (maybe old forgotten stories) that show better prototypes for us to emulate. We need more utopias, we need more movies about kindness — even just to have some variety. Stories are not just “stories.” A story is a tool that can change the world.

One true story told one at a time; we can do it. Join me. — LA

Anne Fischer remembers her father’s pipe in Memories of My Father

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