Me Movie, Opener (14 sec. 2000) Directed and edited by Lester Alfonso, a deleted scene from his trip to the Philippines film Trying to Be Some Kind of Hero.

Archive Showcase

Day 36 of 360 videos from my archive. This short video is a deleted scene from my trip to the Philippines film Trying to Be Some Kind of Hero to search for the truth about my missing American grandfather.

I put this video together to show how fast time flies and to introduce myself in the narrative. I kept exploring this “Me Movie” idea in my films Twelve and more recently Birthmark and my live cinema show Chapter Nowhere.

You can catch a glimpse of me here wearing a boy scout uniform. More soon! Enjoy! — LA

P.S. If you’re liking these daily posts, perhaps you can consider becoming a monthly donor for a year or making a one-time contribution. It would seriously help a lot. Your money goes directly into supporting an artist committed to continually become the best version of himself. Thank you so much! Much love, LA