I Remember (3 min. 2016) Story by Lorna Green. Produced and edited by Lester Alfonso and developed through the Creative Nonfiction Filmmaking Workshop 2016.

Archive Showcase

Day 30 of 360 videos from my archive. The launching point for Lorna Green’s video was a writing prompt from the Creative Nonfiction Filmmaking Workshop. I asked her to try to finish the sentence “I don’t know why I remember —” with the first things that came to mind while choosing the smaller moments instead of big “important” ones like births or deaths. I encouraged her to go for the smaller details.

When recording what Lorna had written during our session at Trent Radio, we also decided to do some impromptu interviews. These off-the-cuff answers got placed at the end of the I Remember. The subtle shift in tone worked. The free music track Se recourber by Monplaisir suited the mood perfectly. — LA

P.S. If you’re liking these daily posts, perhaps you can consider becoming a monthly donor for a year or making a one-time contribution. It would seriously help a lot. Your money goes directly into supporting an artist committed to continually become the best version of himself. Thank you so much! Much love, LA